The Gambia
Nationally determined contribution
The mitigation measures described in the NDC2 will allow the country to reduce its GHG emissions by 49.7 percent compared to the expected 2030 baseline. In absolute figures, the mitigation measures will reduce The Gambia’s GHG emissions by 3,290 GgCO2e.
Article 6 engagement
The Gambia intends to use voluntary cooperation under the framework provided by Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. The country will be a host country for mitigation activities aiming to protect the planet by meeting standards that deliver real, permanent, additional and verified mitigation outcomes that contribute to sustainable development, while avoiding the double counting of emissions reductions.
Mitigation activities
Based on the mitigation measures outline in the NDC, GHG emissions in 2030 will be 3,327 GgCO2e. This is a 49.6 percent reduction compared to the expected baseline level in 2030. Eight conditional mitigation measures have been identified in the energy sector:
- 89 MW of utility-scale solar PV capacity
- 3.6 MW of utility-scale wind capacity
- Reduction of transmission and distribution losses to 17%
- Full replacement of diesel mini-grinds with solar PV and battery storage systems
- Solar home systems to supply off-grid consumption
- Substitution f incandescent light bulbs
- Solar water heating facilities to supply 10% of demand by 2030
- 6 MW of solar PV rooftop systems by 2024
Sectors covered by the NDC
Energy, Industrial Processes and Product Use, Waste management, Transport, Agriculture and LULUCF.
Finance needs
The Gambia will need a total of 315.350.000 million USD to efficiently enact its NDC.
Carbon pricing
Not available
Carbon markets
National entities responsible for carbon markets
Article 6.4 DNA
Lamin S. Jammeh, Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Natural Resources
Mr. Modou Manneh
Article 6 strategy and regulations
National registry
Not available
Article 6
Bilateral agreements
- Not available
Mitigation activities
- Not available
The Gambia hasn’t participated in the CDM.
Voluntary Carbon Market
Download VCM activity portfolioData
As of September 6th, 2024, The Gambia has 8 projects registered with the VCM, out of which 7 are registered with the GS and 1 is registered with the VCS.
As of September 6th, 2024, Household projects are the only VCM activity in The Gambia with issued credits, accounting for a total of 81.74 kt.
2023 was the year with the largest volume of issued credits for household projects, with 65.9 kt issued.
As of September 6th, 2024, Household projects are the only VCM activity in The Gambia with retired credits, accounting for a total of 44.85 kt.
2024 was the year with the largest volume of retired credits for household projects, with 16.49 kt retired.