Nationally determined contribution
Mali commits to reduce emissions by 31% for energy, 25% for agriculture, 39% for land use and forestry, and 31% for waste sectors by 2030 compared to BAU, for a 40% total reduction by 2030.
Article 6 engagement
Not available
Mitigation activities
Sectors covered by the NDC
Energy, AFOLU and Waste.
Finance needs
The cost is 580 million USD over five years, or 1.16 billion USD over ten years for the conditional scenario of mitigation and 174 million USD for the unconditional scenario.
Carbon pricing
Not available
Carbon markets
National entities responsible for carbon markets
Article 6.4 DNA
Mr. Sékou Kone
Article 6 strategy and regulations
Not available
National registry
Not available
Article 6
Bilateral agreements
- Not available
Mitigation activities
- Not available
Under the Clean Development Mechanism, there are 2 project activities and 5 Component project activities.
As of December 31st, 2021, RE projects are the leading CDM activity in issued credits for Mali, with a total of 702.14 kt.
Household projects are the second most prominent CDM activity, with issued credits accounting for 34 kt.
As of December 31st, 2021, Household projects are the only CDM activity in Mali with voluntary cancellations, accounting for a total of 13.98 kt.
2022 was the year with the largest volume of voluntary cancellations for household projects, with 13.98 kt cancelled.
Voluntary Carbon Market
Mali has 3 projects registered to the standard voluntary scheme.
Download VCM activity portfolioData
As of September 6th, 2024, Mali has 7 projects registered with the VCM, all of which are registered under the GS.
As of September 6th, 2024, Household projects are the only VCM activity in Mali with issued credits, accounting for a total of 1442.43 kt.
2014 was the year with the largest volume of issued credits for household projects, with 278.39 kt issued.
As of September 6th, 2024, Household projects are the only VCM activity in Mali with retired credits, accounting for a total of 1201.7 kt.
2015 was the year with the largest volume of retired credits for household projects, with 200.11 kt retired.