Côte d’Ivoire
Nationally determined contribution
Côte d’Ivoire’s contribution presents an unconditional ambition of 30.41% corresponding to an abatement of thirty-seven (37) million tonnes equivalent CO2 in 2030 compared to the new reference scenario. Additional conditional measures in the implementation of the NDCs could bring the overall ambition of GHG mitigation to a reduction of 98.95% of total emissions in 2030 compared to the scenario of reference.
Article 6 engagement
Côte d’Ivoire intends to use Market and Non-Carbon Market Mechanisms under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement to implement its NDC and participate if necessary in international transactions of mitigation outcomes (ITMOs) in the context of voluntary cooperation.
Mitigation activities
The conditional part of the NDC includes:
- Increase energy efficiency in the sector
Production of charcoal
- Increase energy efficiency of the millstones
Electricity production
- Increase the ambition of electricity photovoltaic
- Increase the ambition of biomass energy
- Give priority to renewable energies in power plants
Oil & Gas
- Reduce emissions methane fugitives from production, distribution of petroleum and gas.
- Increase the ambition of electric vehicles in the vehicle fleet
- Promote intermittent aeration of permanently flooded rice fields
- Control emissions from Methane from livestock
- Control nitrous oxide emissions from synthetic nitrogen fertilizer
- Promote micro-anaerobic digestion and composting in the waste recovery
Forestry and Land Use
- Increase reforestation
Sectors covered by the NDC
All sectors including LULUCF.
Finance needs
The mitigation costs for the mitigation component amount to ten billion USD. The finance needs for the conditional part of the NDC are not specified.
Carbon pricing
Not available
Carbon markets
National entities responsible for carbon markets
Article 6.4 DNA
Ms. Rachel Boti-Douayoua
Article 6 strategy and regulations
Not available
National registry
Not available
Article 6
Bilateral agreements
- Not available
Mitigation activities
- Not available
As of December 31st, 2021, Energy (Non-renewable) projects are the only CDM activity in Cote d’Ivoire with issued credits, accounting for a total of 484.42 kt.
2018 was the year with the largest volume of issued credits for energy (non-renewable) projects, with 484.42 kt issued.
Voluntary Carbon Market
Download VCM activity portfolioData
As of May 30th, 2024, Cote d’Ivoire has 4 projects registered with the VCM, all of which are registered under the GS.
As of May 30th, 2024, RE projects are the leading VCM activity in issued credits for Cote d’Ivoire, with a total of 4055.17 kt.
Household projects are the second most prominent VCM activity, with issued credits accounting for 63 kt.
As of May 30th, 2024, RE projects are the only VCM activity in Cote d’Ivoire with retired credits, accounting for a total of 269.35 kt.
2022 was the year with the largest volume of retired credits for RE projects, with 122.44 kt retired.