Sierra Leone

Nationally determined contribution
Sierra Leone’s NDC actions will contribute towards achieving a reduction in CO2 emissions levels to 5% by 2025, 10% by 2030, and 25% by 2050.
Article 6 engagement
Sierra Leone will explore mechanisms for cooperation as provided under Art. 6 of the Paris Agreement.
Mitigation activities
The conditional mitigation contributions include specific emissions-reduction actions , such as policies or mitigation actions like advancing a feed-in tariff for renewable energy technologies, phasing out fossil fuel subsidies, gradually converting to no-tillage agricultural practices, reducing methane emissions from wastewater and providing a nutrient-rich digestate that can be used as a fertilizer, developing incineration facilities to reduce CH4 emissions from landfill sites, investment in reuse and recycling technology, e-mobility and mass transportation initiatives, and new REDD+ and blue carbon initiatives.
Sectors covered by the NDC
Energy, Industrial processes and product waste, waste, AFOLU (agriculture, forestry and other land use), and “others” (blue economy).
Finance needs
Domestic and international climate finance vehicles have to mobilize 2.764 Billion USD to implement the actions proposed in its NDC.
Carbon pricing
Not available
Carbon markets
National entities responsible for carbon markets
Article 6.4 DNA
Mr. Gabriel Kpaka
Mr. Momodu Alrashid Bah
Mr. Benjamin Kamara
Article 6 strategy and regulations
Not available
National registry
Not available
Article 6
Bilateral agreements
- Not available
Mitigation activities
- Not available
Voluntary Carbon Market
Download VCM activity portfolioData
As of September 6th, 2024, Sierra Leone has 22 projects registered with the VCM, out of which 20 are registered with the GS and 2 are registered with the VCS.
As of September 6th, 2024, NBS projects are the leading VCM activity in issued credits for Sierra Leone, with a total of 2798.82 kt.
Household projects are the second most prominent VCM activity, with issued credits accounting for 259 kt.
As of September 6th, 2024, NBS projects are the leading VCM activity in retired credits for Sierra Leone, with a total of 1904.67 kt.
Household projects are the second most prominent VCM activity, with retired credits accounting for 133 kt.