
Nationally determined contribution
Senegal commits to reduce GHG emissions by 5% and 7% (unconditional) and 23.7% and 29.5% (conditional) compared to BAU levels in 2025 and 2030 respectively. This submissions also has an adaptation component.
Article 6 engagement
Senegal is committed to respecting the rules that ensure environmental integrity, promote sustainable development and avoid double counting of emission reductions in accordance with Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. Senegal also supports a coherent transition of its CDM project portfolio in accordance with Article 6.4 of the Paris Agreement.
Mitigation activities
The NDC contains the following conditional measures:
- Achievement of an additional installed solar capacity of 100 MW, 100 MW in wind power, 50
MW biomass, 50 MW of CSP, by 2030. - Injection of a total capacity in additional renewable energies of 300 MW, bringing the total to 999 MW in renewable energies.
- Replacing fuel oil with natural gas in the dual thermal power plants (fuel oil/gas) and the 320
MW Jindal coal power plant with combined cycle gas power plants, bringing the total installed 600 MW of natural gas between 2025 and 2030. - Achievement of 18% by 2022, a penetration rate of renewable energies excluding hydroelectricity in the electricity system.
- Rural solar electrification in 2025 of: 2292 localities by mini networks; 4356 localities Solar Home System.
Sectors covered by the NDC
Energy (electricity production, domestic fuels, energy efficiency, Transport), Industrial Processes, Waste, and AFOLU (Agriculture, Forestry and Land Use).
Finance needs
The implementation of the Senegal Contribution is estimated at a cost of USD 13 billion, including: (i)
8.7 billion dedicated to mitigation with USD 3.4 billion, unconditional, USD 5.3 billion conditional and USD 4.3 billion for adaptation.
Carbon pricing
Under development
Senegal is considering the implementation of carbon pricing as one of the strategies to achieve its NDC goals. In 2018, a study was conducted to investigate the feasibility of implementing carbon pricing domestically. The government engaged in consultations with various stakeholders from both the public and private sectors to evaluate initial frameworks for a carbon pricing policy tailored to the national economy. Further analysis was deemed necessary to delve into specific elements
required for the design of a potential carbon tax.
Scope: N/A
See more information on the World Bank Carbon Pricing Dashboard.
Carbon markets
National entities responsible for carbon markets
Article 6.4 DNA
Mr. Baba Drame
Madeleine Diouf SARR
Article 6 strategy and regulations
Under development
National registry
Under development
Article 6
Bilateral agreements
- Switzerland
Mitigation activities
- Dissemination of Domestic Biogas Digesters in Senegal’s Rural and Peri-urban Areas
- Sustainable Waste Management Program in Senegal
- EcoCar Solaire
Senegal engaged with the Clean Development Mechanism, with a total of 27 CDM activities (8 single projects and 19 Component Project Activities).
For more information on all CDM activities please download the Database for PAs and PoAs.
As of December 31st, 2021, RE projects are the only CDM activity in Senegal with issued credits, accounting for a total of 201.66 kt.
2020 was the year with the largest volume of issued credits for RE projects, with 84.46 kt issued.
As of December 31st, 2021, Household projects are the only CDM activity in Senegal with voluntary cancellations, accounting for a total of 378.83 kt.
2021 was the year with the largest volume of voluntary cancellations for household projects, with 377.75 kt cancelled.
Voluntary Carbon Market
Download VCM activity portfolioData
As of September 6th, 2024, Senegal has 13 projects registered with the VCM, out of which 7 are registered with the GS and 6 are registered with the VCS.
As of September 6th, 2024, RE projects are the leading VCM activity in issued credits for Senegal, with a total of 1684.44 kt.
NBS projects are the second most prominent VCM activity, with issued credits accounting for 495 kt.
As of September 6th, 2024, RE projects are the leading VCM activity in retired credits for Senegal, with a total of 498.81 kt.
NBS projects are the second most prominent VCM activity, with retired credits accounting for 349 kt.