The Director of SONAGED: An Ambassador for the Success of the Second Carbon Market Hub in Senegal
Senegal is set to host the second edition of the West African Carbon Markets Hub next May, a major event aimed at strengthening regional cooperation on carbon markets. To ensure the success of this gathering, Mr. Khalifa Ababacar Sarr, Director General of SONAGED, has accepted a key role as Ambassador of the West African Alliance on Carbon Markets and Climate Finance.
As the Director General of the National Integrated Waste Management Company (SONAGED), Mr. Sarr is already actively involved in initiatives to improve waste management and promote sustainable solutions for environmental protection. His appointment as Ambassador of the Alliance marks a significant milestone, as it positions him as a spokesperson and facilitator between the Senegalese government and private sector stakeholders.
His mission will primarily involve raising awareness among decision-makers about the importance of carbon markets as a financing tool for environmental projects and mobilizing stakeholders to ensure the success of the Carbon Market Hub.
The West African Carbon Markets Hub aims to accelerate West Africa’s integration into global carbon markets, enabling countries in the region to access new climate finance opportunities. With a rapidly evolving regulatory framework and strong commitments to climate action, Senegal is positioning itself as a key player in Africa’s carbon market. Through initiatives led by SONAGED, the country is working to highlight its efforts in waste management, emission reduction, and energy transition.
Mr. Khalifa Ababacar Sarr’s role as Ambassador of the Alliance demonstrates Senegal’s commitment to becoming a regional model, capable of inspiring other nations in implementing innovative solutions to combat climate change.