Sixteen Alliance Member Countries to benefit from Article 6 readiness Support
The Alliance has begun the elaboration of its readiness support framework for its member countries. Although more tailored and structured supports are intended for countries who fit the following categories; early movers, countries with advanced pilot actions and countries with CDM implementation experience; other Alliance member countries will have the opportunity to assess generic capacity support.
Participation in market-based and non-marked cooperative approaches of Article 6 requires a domestic framework that facilitates the approval and registration of mitigation activities. It also requires an authorisation process for international transfers. This process needs expanded institutional capacities to enable Alliance member countries to seize and leverage opportunities in the international carbon market. While a few member countries have some measure of capacity, others lack the knowledge base for carbon market approaches. This can be explained by the limited implementation experiences with carbon mechanisms. The capacity gap created by Africa’s late entry into carbon markets diminished the need and opportunity, in some countries for developing relevant frameworks that could support long-term carbon market engagement.
In April 2021, the Alliance concluded a scooping study aimed at assessing the capacity and institutional needs of member countries in relation to Article 6 implementation readiness. In close collaboration with technical partners (Climate Focus, Perspectives and AEE), the Alliance secretariat, hosted by ENDA undertook a series of in-depth dialogues and questionnaire administration with country focal points to elicit responses on readiness capacity needs and potential next steps. Information gathered from the thirteen (13) Alliance member countries reveals that broader and enhanced support is needed in supporting countries to jump-start the implementation of Article 6.2. The result of the study showed differences in the states of Article 6 preparedness.
Already member countries are working to advance the integration of Article 6 into NDC processes with 14 of the 16 West African Alliance countries already considering the integration of Article 6 into their national NDC. Regarding the development of national Article 6 policy, no member country has developed an Article 6 strategy as various groundwork including public consultations is ongoing. For example, so far 46% of consultations with public sector stakeholders have been held and 38.5% of private sector stakeholders identified.
Some Alliance countries now have dedicated technical committees for the implementation of Article 6. Others, such as those currently conceptualizing or already far engaged in voluntary carbon markets (VCMs) pilot initiatives have established technical and legal frameworks. Ghana has already established its NDC monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) system, while seven (7) other countries are currently in the process of developing one. Advanced Article 6 pilot activities in the sub-region include the sustainable waste management programme, the standardized crediting framework, and the domestic biogas digesters in Senegal as well as the national clean energy access programme in Ghana and the pilot programme on adaptation benefit mechanism in Côte d’Ivoire.
Based on the study outcomes, the Alliance is now developing a tailored support framework and a clear road map for incorporating Article 6.2 into NDC implementation. In aligning with these priorities, the Alliance will conduct a series of workshops to exchange knowledge and provide technical support needed on topics relevant to Article 6 implementation. The establishment of feedback channels to facilitate knowledge exchange is also planned. Other envisaged study implementation includes elaborating donor coordination. This is to facilitate the identification of ITMO buying entities and matching African carbon markets with interested ITMO buyers.