Nationally determined contribution
Mauritania’s updated NDC forecasts an economy-wide net reduction in GHG emissions of 11% in 2030 compared to the country’s own resource baseline scenario supported by international support comparable to that received until 2020. With more support, Mauritania could ensure its carbon neutrality, up to a conditional 92% reduction compared to the BAU.
Article 6 engagement
Mauritania intends to use voluntary cooperation under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement to achieve part of its mitigation objective using market mechanisms carbon (transformative carbon asset facility, etc.).
Mitigation activities
55 mitigation measures in the following sectors:
- Energy (including electricity generation, energy efficiency, energy distribution, EE households & services, transport) with 42 measures including 27 unconditional
- Industrial process and product use (PIUP) 2 measures including 1 unconditional
- Agriculture (including livestock) Forestry and Land Use (AFAT) 8 measures including 4 unconditional
Waste 3 measures including 1 unconditional
Sectors covered by the NDC
Energy, AFOLU, IPPU, Waste.
Finance needs
The financing for the conditional component of the mitigation measures amounts to 33620 million USD.
Carbon pricing
Not available
Carbon markets
National entities responsible for carbon markets
Article 6 strategy and regulations
Not available
National registry
Not available
Article 6
Bilateral agreements
- Not available
Mitigation activities
- Not available
Under the Clean Development Mechanism, Mauritania has one Project Activity (Hydro).
Voluntary Carbon Market
Mauritania has 2 VCM activities under VERRA, the Nouakchott 30 MW wind power plant project and the Large-scale grid connected solar PV Project in Toujounine (Nouakchott).
Download VCM activity portfolioData
As of September 6th, 2024, Mauritania has 2 projects registered with the VCM, all of which are registered under the VCS.
As of September 6th, 2024, RE projects are the only VCM activity in Mauritania with issued credits, accounting for a total of 870.28 kt.
2020 was the year with the largest volume of issued credits for RE projects, with 182.38 kt issued.
As of September 6th, 2024, RE projects are the only VCM activity in Mauritania with retired credits, accounting for a total of 633.29 kt.
2023 was the year with the largest volume of retired credits for RE projects, with 116.35 kt retired.